Voting results of participatory budgeting in Helsinki

The dataset includes the voting results of participatory budgeting in Helsinki, compiled into an Excel file and anonymised so that individual participants cannot be identified.

Data is available from the votes in 2024, 2021 and 2019. Anyone living in Helsinki was allowed to vote. The votes were held on 28 February -17 March 2024, 6–28 October 2021 and 1–31 October 2019.

These links show which proposals received funding and how their implementation is proceeding:

The Ehdotukset/Suunnitelmat äänimäärittäin (Proposals/plans by number of votes) tab contains the voting method for each proposal/plan in the voted (strong identification with or or Wilma IDs of schoolchildren over the age of 12), the voting area (major district or the whole of Helsinki), the subject of the proposal/plan (from the selection options given to the author), the code (unique number), the name (given by the author) and the total number of votes received by the proposal/plan.

The information on the Äänestäjien ominaisuudet (Voter properties) tab includes the voting method, the voter’s residential area (the major district and the whole city as areas written/numbered from 1 to 7), the voter’s gender (f=woman, m= man), the school level for those who voted with Wilma identification, the age group (classified into 7 age groups) and the number of those who voted.

Äänestysaktiivisuus yli 20V (Voting turnout, over 20 years) tab includes data on the postal code, area name (city district), persons entitled to vote (number), voters (number) and voting percentage.

Data and Resources

Additional information

Administrator Helsingin kaupunginkanslia / Viestintä
Administrator's webpage
Published 11.03.2021
Updated 28.08.2024
More information
Geographical coverage
Time series starts 2019
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
How to reference Source: Voting results of participatory budgeting in Helsinki. The maintainer of the dataset is Helsingin kaupunginkanslia / Viestintä. The dataset has been downloaded from Helsinki Region Infoshare service on 22.12.2024 under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
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