Walk and bike in Helsinki

Tuija Sonkkila - Published 28.5.2021 - updated 2.6.2021
  1. 2021-05-28-113618.318978WalkAndBikeHelsinkikokosivunnakyma.jpg
  2. 2021-05-28-113618.391739WalkAndBikeHelsinkimobiili.jpg

Planted trees, park roads, protected buildings, and city bike stations in Helsinki app shows you park roads (in brown), planted trees (opaque green), protected buildings (orange), and City Bike stations (biggish yellow circles). Hint: click a bike station. After a second or two, it shows the number of available bikes. The basemap is provided by OpenStreetMap.

There are two versions of the app:

For more information, read this post: http://tuijasonkkila.fi/blog/2021/05/walks-and-biking-in-helsinki/

Used datasets