Buildings and areas protected by detailed plans of the City of Helsinki

Buildings and areas protected by detailed plans in Helsinki.

The coordinate system of the dataset is ETRS-GK25.

The data can be downloaded in GML, KML, Excel, DWG, DXF, GeoPackage, MapInfo (TAB & MIF) and Esri Shape formats from the []( service. On the left side of the page, there is a “Download” button, which opens a window. You must first define the geographic scope of the data (e.g. only the level features that are currently displayed in the map window). After this, the various download options will open.

In addition, the buildings protected by detailed plans as area-type features can be accessed through the City of Helsinki’s WFS interface. Layer name on the interface:

Previewing the data in the service:*

API addresses:


  • Asemakaavoissa_suojellut_rakennukset_alue

The owner and maintainer of the content of the Asemakaavoissa_suojellut_rakennukset_alue data is the City of Helsinki Urban Environment Division/Detailed Planning.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Maintainer Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala / Kaupunkimittauspalvelut
Maintainer Website
Source Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala / Asemakaavoitus
Published 10.09.2019
Updated 31.12.2021
Update Frequency
Links to additional information concerning the dataset
Geographical Coverage
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
How to reference Source: Buildings and areas protected by detailed plans of the City of Helsinki. The maintainer of the dataset is Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala / Kaupunkimittauspalvelut and the original author is Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala / Asemakaavoitus. The dataset has been downloaded from Helsinki Region Infoshare service on 28.03.2025 using the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.