Stop Map Helsinki: pysäkkiopas

Janne Käki - Published 11.12.2017 - Updated 11.12.2017
  1. 2017-12-11-073432.620357StopMap1392x696bb.jpg
  2. 2017-12-11-073432.620576StopMap2392x696bb.jpg
  3. 2017-12-11-073432.620747StopMap3392x696bb.jpg

Stop Map is a visual guide to public transportation in the capital of Finland and its surroundings. It gives you a complete picture of the transit system right at your fingertips.

It puts every one of the region's 7,500 stops and stations on a map and tells you which buses, trams, and trains go from each stop, and when they are scheduled to do it.

Stops and lines can be discovered either by browsing the map, by looking them up on a list of all visible stops, or by using a simple search. You can (and you should!) also add your frequently used stops as bookmarks, which you can then rapidly view whenever you need to.

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