
Kalle Koljander, Sami, Jani ja Merja - Published 30.11.2017 - Updated 16.8.2024
  1. 2017-11-30-082402.555037nomad1.jpg
  2. 2017-11-30-082402.555196nomad2.jpg
  3. 2017-11-30-082402.555427nomad3.jpg

Nomadi is a GIS application and its purpose is to create interesting routes for the user to go see by combining different information sources. This way the user is able to delve into different types of GIS data with the same interface. Users are able to create their own routes with the app and to fill them with information from open data sources. The app has been tailored for mobile use but all the content can also be accessed from browsable web-interfaces.

Used datasets