Asuntokuume: Täältä löytyy edullisin koti urbaanille lapsiperheelle (Archived)

Juuso Koponen - Published 30.11.2017 - Updated 14.3.2022
  1. 2017-11-30-114659.719664asuntojenhinnat-310x397.jpg

The article and its visualizations picture the difference in prices between big and small flats in downtown Helsinki's districts. Additionally, day care centers have been added to the map. The analysis of the data reveals a few surprises, such as that in Kallio big flats are clearly cheaper per square meter than small flats, of which there are far less. Another interesting fact is that in the most expensive districts like Eira big flats are even more expensive per square meter than small ones.

In addition to using the Helsinki Metropolitan Area Service Map, the visualization has used Statistics Finland's StatFin statistics database.

The link to the visualization has been removed, due to the blog being discontinued.

Used datasets

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