Mixed waste composition in Helsinki Metropolitan Area

A household mixed waste composition study in the Helsinki metropolitan area is carried out every three years.

The results are presented in averages and by property group as well %-share and kg/property/resident. The composition of mixed waste is broken down into 11 categories and subcategories thereof. The categories are:

  • bio waste
  • paper
  • carton
  • wood
  • plastics
  • glass
  • metal
  • textiles
  • electrical appliances and batteries
  • hazardous chemicals
  • mixed waste


In 2024, the composition of household mixed waste was studied during a one-week monitoring period in September. Households were divided into research groups based on the number of apartments in the property. The research groups were: properties with 1 apartment (divided into two research groups: those that compost and those that are part of the bio-waste collection), properties with 2-4 apartments, properties with 5-19 apartments, and properties with more than 19 apartments (divided into two research groups: rental properties and owner-occupied properties).

Link to the study:

2018 and 2021

Household mixed waste composition study in the Helsinki metropolitan area 2021

Household mixed waste composition study in the Helsinki metropolitan area 2018

Data and Resources

Additional information

Administrator Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut HSY
Administrator's webpage http://www.hsy.fi/avoindata
Published 24.04.2015
Updated 21.01.2025
Update frequency
More information
  1. https://www.hsy.fi/jatemaarat
Data collections
Geographical coverage
Time series starts 2013
Time series accuracy
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
How to reference Source: Mixed waste composition in Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The maintainer of the dataset is Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut HSY. The dataset has been downloaded from Helsinki Region Infoshare service on 10.02.2025 under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
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