The data includes the utilization information of outdoor gym devices in Hietaniemi, Paloheinä and Pirkkola (in Helsinki) outdoor gyms from the year 2021.

The utilization rate of the devices is measured with separate motion sensors once a minute. The data is transferred in almost real time to the service provider's system, from where it is retrieved a few times an hour to the cache. From cache, data is aggregated into 1-hour intervals into CSV and JSON files.

Both formats contain fields listed below:

  • utcdate: start time of the time period
  • area: the name of the sports venue
  • groupId: type of gym equipment
  • trackableId: the name of gym equipment
  • sets: number of sets performed in the selected time interval (hour/day)
  • usageMinutes: usage minutes in the selected interval (hour/day)
  • repetitions: the number of repetitions made in the selected time interval (hour/day)

The data is produced in an experiment of Culture and leisure division of the City of Helsinki.

Data and Resources

Additional information

Administrator Forum Virium Helsinki Oy
Administrator's webpage
Source Helsingin kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala
Published 08.03.2021
Updated 14.06.2024
Update frequency
More information
Geographical coverage
Time series starts 2021
Time series accuracy
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
How to reference Source: Utilization rates of outdoor gyms in Helsinki. The maintainer of the dataset is Forum Virium Helsinki Oy and the original author is Helsingin kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala. The dataset has been downloaded from Helsinki Region Infoshare service on 21.03.2025 under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.