HRI’s CKAN user manual

HRI´s (CKAN) metadata fields and instructions for updating metadata

Fill in as many fields as possible to make the data easier to find and to help the user understand what the data is about.

Mandatory fields are marked with two asterisks (**). Fields that should also be filled in for each data item are marked with one asterisk (*).

The HRI service will assist in the creation of metadata where necessary.

The HRI metadata model follows the DCAT-AP metadata model.


Metadata Explanation Example NOTE
Title ** A concise and general title that describes the data as accurately as possible. REST interface of the Capital Region Service Map. No period at the end of the name.

The name must include the area to which the data relates.

It is generally not advisable to put a year in the name, nor a system, project, etc. name.

Title en * / se English / Swedish title of the data. Helsinki metropolitan area Service Map REST-API / Servicekarta över Helsingforsområdet See above
URL ** Unique name of the data, automatically generated from the Name field. The system also checks if the URL is already in use. If so, the name should also be specified. paakaupunkiseudun-palvelukartan-rest-rajapinta The URL must be more than two characters long, only lower case letters and only the characters “a-z0-9″ and “-_”
Editing the URL is possible but not recommended.The URL must not be edited after the data has been published.

The maximum URL length is 100 characters.

Description (fi ** /en * /se) Free textual description of the data. For example: what the data contains, how it was compiled, what the user needs to know in order to use and interpret the data correctly. The service map is an open information channel about the offices and services of the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen… Markdown formats can be used in the description text (see below for instructions).
A description in Finnish is mandatory.An English description is also required, Swedish is optional.
More information Link to the website describing the data or link to a pdf file describing the data, for example. You can enter one or more links. This is not a link to the data itself, but to an overview of the data or other additional information.
The link should begin with either http://- or https://-
License ** License under which the data is published. CC-BY-4.0 HRI recommends using the national open data licence Creative Commons 4.0 or in some cases Creative Commons 0.
Categories * Category(ies) to which the data belongs.
There may be one or more categories.
Housing, Population When adding new data, categories can be selected from a list. When editing already opened data, the categories are edited on their own tab (see instructions below).
Data can belong to more than one category. There are 12 categories in total. New categories can not be created.
Tags (fi/en/se) * Tags describing the data. When you start typing a keyword, the system will give you suggestions from existing keywords. housing, accessibility, administration, … Countable items in plural (e.g. schools), non-countable items in singular (e.g. education).
Preference is given to using existing keywords.
Geographical coverage ** Region(s) concerned by the data. When you start typing a region, the system will give you suggestions from existing regions. Helsinki Espoo Vantaa Kauniainen City level data. The regions are the cities of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and the whole Helsinki Region.
If there are other regions in the data, do not add them here.
Organisation ** Organisation maintaining the data, e.g. branch of activity / performance area. Helsingin kaupunginkanslia Use only the organisations found in the system. If you cannot find the organisation you need, please contact HRI.
Administrator * The name of the entity maintaining the data at industry or performance area level. Helsingin kaupunginkanslia / Digitalisaatioyksikkö One administrator. Must be a public administration organisation, not e.g. a company.
Administrator’s email ** Email address of the entity maintaining the data. Prefer a general email address to someone’s personal address.
Administrator’s webpage Address of the website of the data controller. The link must be either http://- or https://-
Source The source(s) that produced the underlying data. The cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen. Name of original source, not link.
Published ** The date on which the data was originally published. 2011-06-09 Format yyyy-mm-dd.
This field should not be edited after the data has been published.
Updated * The date when the data was last updated. Not the metadata, but the date the data was updated. 2023-05-31 Format yyyy-mm-dd.
To be left blank only if the data has never been updated.
Update frequency (fi/en/se) * Information on how often data is updated. When you start typing an update frequency, the system will give you suggestions for existing update frequencies. Continuous Preferably use existing options. If you cannot find a suitable one, you can create a new one.
If the data will no longer be updated, the update frequency will be set to “Finished”.
Time series starts The date/year when the data time series starts. Format either, mm/yyyy or yyyy.
Time series ends The date/year when the data time series ends. The end date is not entered if the maintenance of the data has not ended.
Format either, mm/yyyy or yyyy.
Time series accuracy (fi/en/se) E.g. year / month / day / hour. Preferably use existing options. If you cannot find a suitable one, you can create a new one.
Update reminder date * The date on which the system sends an automatic reminder to the HRI administrator to update the data. 2025-01-02 Format yyyy-mm-dd.
If the data is updated manually, always fill in this field.
Synonyms to make the search more effective To make the search as comprehensive and efficient as possible, it would be a good idea to enter as many data-related words and synonyms as possible in this field. The content of this field is not visible to the end user (although it may be visible through the interface).
Global ID A field already created for the future, where a unique ID can be created for each data (e.g. the same data will not be copied several times to Not (yet) used.
Visibility ** Options: public (visible to all) / private (visible only to logged-in administrators). Public If you want to save a draft description, you can use the Private mode.

Separate metadata for data (on tabs)

Metadata Explanation Example NOTE
Showcases Links to apps made from the data, presented in the showcase gallery.
Change history The change history shows, for example, who has made changes to the metadata, when the changes were made and what was changed.
Categories * Category(ies) to which the data belongs. Culture and recreation, Local government, … Data can belong to more than one category. There are 12 categories in total. New categories can not be created.
Data collections The data collection(s) to which the data belongs. Data collections are not hierarchical. APIs Data may belong to more than one data collection. See the HRI website for more information.
If you need a new data collection, please contact HRI.


Only the file(s) to be published as open data or a link to the API description are put as resources. Documents containing additional information about the data (e.g. doc or pdf) are placed as links in the metadata description of the data under the Additional information section.

File names and directory paths shall not contain scandinavian (å, ä, ö) or other special characters or spaces.

Metadata Explanation Example NOTE
Name ** A concise title describing the resource. REST API There is no period at the end of the name.
The name can be e.g. the year, region or file format.
Name (en * / se) The English or Swedish name of the resource. REST API / REST gränssnitt There is no period at the end of the name.
At least the English name must be provided.
URL * A link that allows the user to download the full data, preferably directly. Alternatively, the URL can point to the description of the API. For the link to work, the URL must be http:// or https://.
Do not press the Remove button, this will result in an error situation.
Size File size in bytes (!). There must be no spaces between numbers. Good to fill in especially if the file size is large.
Format ** File type of the file, abbreviation. JSON Put only one (most common) file format here. Preferably use existing options. The format will also appear in search filters, so make sure there are no typos in the format. Type the format in all capital letters.
Description (fi/en/se) Free textual description of the resource. For example: what the data contains, how it was compiled, what the user needs to know in order to use and interpret the data correctly. If the description is the same as the description of the whole data, this field is left blank.
Published * The date on which the data was originally published. 2011-06-09 Format yyyy-mm-dd.
Updated * The date when the data was last updated. 2017-05-31 Format yyyy-mm-dd.
To be left blank only if the data has never been updated.
Coordinate system Coordinate system used in dataset. ETRS-GK25
Time series starts Starting date for a time series Format either, mm/yyyy or yyyy.
Time series ends Ending date for a time series Format either, mm/yyyy or yyyy.
Do not enter the end date if the maintenance of the data has not ended.
Time series accuracy (fi/en/se) E.g. year / month / day / hour. Preferably use existing options. If you cannot find a suitable one, you can create a new one.