Hätäopas (Archived)

Applications, Examples from elsewhere
Osma Suominen, SeCo-tutkimusryhmä - Published 28.11.2017 - Updated 27.1.2021
  1. 2017-11-28-112658.402085hataopas.png

Hätäopas (tr. emergency guide) is intended for mobile / web use and it enables to search for the nearest doctor / health-care centre, pharmacy or public restroom. It automatically locates the user (or you can enter an address manually) and displays the nearest service points as well as their contact details. The data approximately covers the Helsinki Metropolitan area.

The app is intended for anyone who encounters an emergency in the city. The nearest doctor might be needed if one falls and hurts themselves but not as badly that they would an ambulance. The need for finding the nearest pharmacy is apparent. Finding the nearest public restrooms is useful, especially at night time when trying to find an open one.

The app is no longer in use.

Used datasets

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