
The Statistical Yearbook of Helsinki 2017 provides a varied, statistics-based description of Helsinki and its residents. Many of the tables also present comparative data from the rest of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, the Helsinki Region and Finland as a whole. Moreover, the yearbook contains a chapter on major cities in the rest of Scandinavia and one on the capitals of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and on the City of S:t Petersburg. The book contains 255 tables in all.

The publication is bilingual and the statistical tables have headings in English. The statistical yearbook is provided in the form of an zipped Excel-file.

The Statistical Yearbook 2017: https://www.hel.fi/hel2/tietokeskus/julkaisut/pdf/18_01_02_tilastollinen_vuosikirja2017.pdf

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Published 05.02.2018