Buildings in Helsinki - data from the City of Helsinki building (construction) register 6/2012, MapInfo file

This dataset provides data from the City of Helsinki building (construction) register 6/2012. The building data producer is the City of Helsinki Building Supervision Agency (register data) and the Urban Measurement Department (Geometry) of the Real Estate Agency.

Data is available as MapInfo TAB and CSV files. Three coordinate systems are available:

  • WGS84
  • ETRS-GK25
  • Coordinate system of the city of Helsinki

The attributes and possible inaccuracies of the fields in the dataset are described in more detail in the “Facta-kenttien metatiedot” pdf file accompanying the data.

Additional information

Field Value
Format TAB
Size 32.0 MB
Coordinate system WGS84, ETRS-GK25 ja Helsingin koordinaatisto