Baanaverkko 2025 The network plan for Baana bicycle routes for 2025 partly meets the targets set by the city council for increasing bicycle traffic. The Baana routes will form the core bicycle routes that cover the entire city. The Baana network will comprise new sections as well as improved existing cycle paths. The network plan serves as a basis for space reservations and more detailed planning of Baana routes.

In particular, the Baana network plan responds to the growing demand for long-distance cycling routes. Baana routes are core cycle routes that connect the region’s largest residential areas with large workplace hubs and enable fast, direct and steady-speed cycle traffic in the city. The aim is to make cycling a more attractive option even over longer distances, so that the city’s target for more bicycle traffic can be met.

The entire city’s Baana network will be updated with the master plan.

More information: Pyöräliikenteen laatukäytävien eli baanojen verkkosuunnitelma (Network plan for quality corridors for bicycle traffic, i.e. Baana, available in Finnish).

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