Answers to the questionnaire about Helsinki's national city park

The dataset includes the answers to the online survey about the National Urban Park of Helsinki. The online survey, open to all, started in autumn 2017 and was open until 17 December 2017. The responses contain data on the areas and places that residents would like to see included in the potential National Urban Park of Helsinki.

The online survey was part of the City of Helsinki’s investigations into the possibility of establishing a National Urban Park in Helsinki. With the survey, the City was hoping to locate the most refreshing and the most beautiful places in the city as well as the places that best exemplify Helsinki. The survey also allowed respondents to mark routes and places on a map that should be developed or that showed potential.

The City of Helsinki is piloting its new participation and interaction model as part of the National Urban Park investigations. In addition to the online survey, the pilot project has launched interest group workshops, with other forms of participation to be developed as the project continues. The cooperation partners in the investigations include the Kansallinen kaupunkipuisto Helsinkiin! movement.

Inappropriate language and expressions referring to personal data have been removed from the data. The geographic datasets are in the WGS84 coordinate system.

Fields in the point file

  • respondent = unique identifier of the respondent
  • creatime = point creation time
  • id = unique identifier of the answer
  • buttonname = question category
  • visiblelay = map layers visible to the user
  • zoomlevel = user-selected scale level for the map view
  • pitaisiko = Answer to the question “Do you think that this place should be a part of the National Urban Park? If you do, please tell us why.”
  • milloin_ta = When is this place at its best? = (empty field)
  • in spring/summer/autumn/winter (null = no answer, 0 = not selected, 1 = selected)

Fields in the line file

  • respondent = unique identifier of the respondent
  • creatime = line creation time
  • id = unique identifier of the answer
  • buttonname = question category (The most important routes/Improvement of green connections)
  • zoomlevel = user-selected scale level for the map view
  • visiblelay = map layers visible to the user
  • kerro_lisa = Answer to the question “Tell us more”

Fields in the area file

  • respondent = unique identifier of the respondent
  • creatime = area creation time
  • id = unique identifier of the answer
  • buttonname = question category (My rough idea of the borders of the National Urban Park)
  • zoomlevel = user-selected scale level for the map view
  • visiblelay = map layers visible to the user
  • voit_tarke = Answer to the question “You can clarify your outline here”

Data and Resources

Additional information

Administrator Helsingin kaupunki, Kaupunkiympäristön toimiala
Published 06.03.2018
More information
Data collections
Geographical coverage
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
How to reference Source: Answers to the questionnaire about Helsinki's national city park. The maintainer of the dataset is Helsingin kaupunki, Kaupunkiympäristön toimiala. The dataset has been downloaded from Helsinki Region Infoshare service on 03.02.2025 under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.