Number of cyclists and pedestrians in Espoo - WFS API

Traffic counters for pedestrians and cyclists

The geospatial dataset for pedestrian and cycling traffic counters available through the WFS API shows the locations of the automatic Eco-Counters in Espoo and the number of pedestrians and cyclists in the previous day, this month, this year and last year.

The data is updated once a day.

You can preview the data in the Espoo Map Service..

Counting results for pedestrians and cyclists

The geospatial datasets for pedestrian and cycling counting results available through the WFS API show the manual counting results for pedestrians for summer (15 May–15 September) and winter (1 January–28 February). Pedestrian and cycling traffic is counted in the same places at the same time. The abbreviation KAVL in the attributes refers to average daily traffic, while the abbreviation PPQ refers to the average of the maximum values for weekdays over a five-day period.

The data is updated once a year.

You can preview the data in the Espoo Map Service.

Additional information

Field Value
Format WFS
Coordinate system ETRS-GK25