Food establishments in Helsinki under food control supervision by the Food Safety Department

NOTE: This dataset is no longer maintained after January 2019. The maintenance of the corresponding information will take place from 21 January 2019 in the Finnish Food Authority’s national VATI system.

The dataset includes the food premises in Helsinki subject to food control. The dataset includes catering and sales locations.

The objectives of food control are the following:

  • to ensure appropriate food quality and safety for consumers
  • to protect consumers from health hazards and financial losses caused by food
  • to ensure that the consumer is provided with sufficient and truthful information about the food in order to make choices.

Food premises mean any building or premises or part thereof or other outdoor or indoor space in which food meant for sale or conveyance is prepared, stored, transported, marketed, served or otherwise handled, excluding a place of primary production (Food Act 23/2006). Wholesale locations have been excluded from the data.

The information in the dataset is based on operators’ declarations. According to the Food Act, a food business operator shall notify the control authority of the municipality in which the food premises are located in writing. (Food Act 23/2006, Section 13.1 and 14.1).

CSV file columns

  • Asiakasnro: identifier of the operator
  • Y-tunnus: Business ID of the company
  • Toimijan nimi1: Name 1 of the company
  • Toimijan nimi2: Specification of the company name
  • TKohdenro: Identifier of the object
  • Kohde: Name of the place where the food is served or sold
  • Lahiosoite: Street address of the catering or sales point
  • Postitmp: City of the catering or sales point
  • Category of the operation
  • Name of the category of operation
  • Toimintatyyppi: Description of the operation
  • Asiakaspaikkojen määrä: Number of customer places at the catering point
  • Toiminnan aloitus pvm: Date of commencement of operations

Data and Resources

Additional information

Administrator Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala / Ympäristöpalvelut
Administrator's webpage
Published 05.06.2015
Updated 05.03.2019
Update frequency
Geographical coverage
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
How to reference Source: Food establishments in Helsinki under food control supervision by the Food Safety Department. The maintainer of the dataset is Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala / Ympäristöpalvelut. The dataset has been downloaded from Helsinki Region Infoshare service on 22.12.2024 under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
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