Number of loans from the city libraries of Helsinki region 2013-2014

This dataset provides statistics on the number of loans from the city libraries of Helsinki region in 2013-2014.

Data and Resources

Additional information

Administrator Vantaan kaupunki / Kulttuuri- ja kirjastopalvelut
Administrator's webpage
Published 21.08.2015
Update frequency
Geographical coverage
Time series starts 1.1.2013
Time series ends 31.12.2014
Time series accuracy
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
How to reference Source: Number of loans from the city libraries of Helsinki region 2013-2014. The maintainer of the dataset is Vantaan kaupunki / Kulttuuri- ja kirjastopalvelut. The dataset has been downloaded from Helsinki Region Infoshare service on 20.03.2025 under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.