Helsinki nature service policy resident survey responses

The data includes the responses to the Helsinki nature service policy resident survey 2022. The survey collected information on the use of nature services by Helsinki residents and their ideas for the development of nature services.

The survey was conducted in Finnish, Swedish and English and the answers are mainly in Finnish. The survey was open 23.9.-12.10.2022.

Excel file

The Excel file contains the answers to the non-map-based questions (tab "Kysely") and the full-text map answers in their own tabs.

The questionnaire file contains the answers to the following questions:

  • How satisfied are you with the following nature services or factors related to their use in Helsinki?
  • What are your main reasons for using nature services?
  • What are your main reasons for using these services?
  • What nature services do you think the City of Helsinki should develop or increase?
  • How else do you think nature services in Helsinki should be developed?
  • What other feedback would you like to give regarding the development of nature services?

Spatial data (SHP)

In spatial data, the text field is not fully displayed (applies to some particularly long open responses). The complete answers can be found in the Excel file on their own tabs ("arkinen luontoelämys" (everyday experience of nature), "ajan kanssa luontoelämys" (experience of nature over time) and "kehitystoiveet" (development wishes), each on its own tab). There are no IDs between the SHP and Excel files.

Arkinen_luontoelämys: Add up to three places on the map that offer everyday nature experiences that are important to you in the City of Helsinki.

Contains the following fields:

  • Luontopalvelut (Nature services): what physical nature services do you use at the destination?
  • Muu, mika (Other, what): What physical nature services do you use at the destination? Other, specify which option
  • Tyytyväisyys (Satisfaction): How satisfied are you with the nature services at the destination?
  • Kehitystoiveet (Desired improvements): How should the nature services at the site be improved or what nature services should be added?

Kohde_johon_menen_kun_enemmän_aikaa: Insert up to three of the most important natural sites on the map that you would go to if you had more time.

Contains the following fields:

  • Luontopalvelut (Nature services): what physical nature services at the destination do you use?
  • Muu, mika (Other, what): What physical nature services do you use at the site? Other, which option, please specify.
  • Tyytyväisyys (Satisfaction): How satisfied are you with the nature services at the destination?
  • Kehitystoiveet (Desired improvements): How should the nature services at the site be improved or what nature services should be added?

The development aspirations for nature services are categorised at different levels, as shown below. The levels include a justification / specification of the development request.

  • uusi reitti (new route)
  • opaste (signage)
  • opastaulu (signboard)
  • taukopaikka (rest area)
  • tarkkailupaikka (observation post)
  • huussi (toilet)
  • esteetön luontokohde (accessible nature site)
  • kalastuslaituri (fishing pier)
  • pääsy veden äärelle (access to the water)
  • muu (other)

Data and Resources

Additional information

Administrator Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala
Published 05.02.2024
More information
Data collections
Geographical coverage
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
How to reference Source: Helsinki nature service policy resident survey responses. The maintainer of the dataset is Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala. The dataset has been downloaded from Helsinki Region Infoshare service on 19.03.2025 under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.