Apps4Finland 2010 winners are chosen!
The Apps4Finland 2010 judging is now done! The winners were awarded at the MindTrek conference in Tampere on 7 October with prices totalling 13 000 euros. Here’s the list of them.
Winners of the Implementation category (Agencies):
- DataSuomi
- Tässä.fi
Winners of the Implementation category (Indie):
- Parliament interface – voting and visualization service (Eduskunnan rajapinta – äänestyskone ja visualisointipalvelu)
- Dog Trash (Koirankakkaroskis)
Winners of the Ideas category:
- LiveInfoBoard
- Map Guardian (Karttavahti)
- Carnegie
Honorable mentions:
- People’s memory (Kansanmuisti)
- Trains in Finland (Junat Suomessa) special honorable mention:
- HelMet Barcode Rader (Helmet viivakoodin lukija)
People’s choices:
- Velkakello
- Carnegie
- Tampere’s Ratikkainfo (Tampereen Ratikkainfo)
The goal of the competition is to find new ways to utilize public sector data sources. It also aims to speed up activities that turn lively discussion about open data into concrete services and applications.
The Apps4Finland competition is open to everyone, with categories for individuals and enterprises.
The competition was now held for the second time. Organized by the Finnish Society for Online Democracy (Suomen Verkkodemokratiaseura) and Forum Virium Helsinki, both parties will also serve as the competition’s panel of judges.
In cooperation with the competition, open and free-to-use resources have been collected on the website and mapped as part of the Helsinki Region Infoshare project.