
Metatavu - Published 14.12.2017 - Updated 28.6.2022
  1. 2017-12-14-110310.588936paatoshaku1.jpg
  2. 2017-12-14-110310.589819paatoshaku3.jpg

Päätöshaku (tr. Decision search) is an experimental user interface that utilizes the 6Aika decision-making APIs. Most of the APIs are still test versions. This user interface example is intended to showcase how the decision-making APIs can be utilized.

At the moment, the decision search user interface contains decision-making data from Oulu, Tampere, Vantaa, Espoo, and Helsinki. This experimental version does not directly utilize the cities' REST-ful decision-making APIs but fetches the data into its own cache in order to speed up and improve searches. During this experimental phase, the data is updated sporadically. For the time being, the map search only functions in Helsinki due to the lack of GIS metadata from the other cities.

The Päätöshaku source code is available on Github.

The app is no longer available.

Used datasets

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