
Jyry Suvilehto - Published 28.11.2017 - Updated 27.6.2022
  1. 2017-11-28-110348.278497helmetkategoriahaku.jpg

This visualization displays the HelMet-libraries' books by library classification in a tree structure. The colours represent the number of books in different categories. Alongside the library classification, there is information on the library code and the number of books under the HelMet library data classification (books in subclasses are counted in its upper class). The visualization enables the user to navigate to specific books on the HelMet library's website.

The visualization helps to understand the library classification and displays how the books are divided into different classes. It enables to study the library classification and helps to find interesting library classifications and the books associated with them. Studying the classification reveals the big picture, for example, what kind of similar topics there are listed.

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