Statistical tables of Helsinki’s Nuoret alueittain (Youth by Area) publications. Nuoret alueittain was published by the City of Helsinki Urban Facts between 2005 and 2014. The publication contains regional data on, for example, the number of young people in Helsinki by age group, their mother tongues, the population forecast, housing, education, phenomena in youth work operating environment, services aimed at young people and their use. Regional data on e.g. population and housing can also be found in the Aluesarjat statistical database at

The Nuoret alueittain publication contains information on approximately 40 phenomena and variables. The data has been compiled on the basis of two regional principles: the population data is by major district and district, following the city’s official regional division. Some of the data, in turn, is grouped according to the regional division of the Youth Department, in which the city is divided into 10 youth work units consisting of districts.


  • Population
  • Housing
  • Education
  • Youth services
  • Playgrounds; from 2008 onwards Other recreational services
  • Social services and problems

The Nuoret alueittain publication was produced in cooperation between the City of Helsinki Urban Facts and the Youth Services.

Data and Resources

Additional information

Administrator Helsingin kaupunginkanslia / Kaupunkitieto
Administrator's webpage
Source Helsingin kaupunginkanslia / Kaupunkitutkimus ja -tilastot sekä Helsingin kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala / Nuorison palvelukokonaisuus
Published 22.01.2015
Geographical coverage
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
How to reference Source: Youths of Helsinki by Area. The maintainer of the dataset is Helsingin kaupunginkanslia / Kaupunkitieto and the original author is Helsingin kaupunginkanslia / Kaupunkitutkimus ja -tilastot sekä Helsingin kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan toimiala / Nuorison palvelukokonaisuus. The dataset has been downloaded from Helsinki Region Infoshare service on 21.12.2024 under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
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