The data contains statistics related to the service offerings of Vantaa City Library.

The way the statistics are compiled changed in 2018. Therefore, data is split into two different files, which each contain multiple tabs. Training and other events arranged for customers are still stored in the statistics, but in a different way than before.


The statistics Koulutus shows the topics, numbers, joint durations and numbers of participants of training sessions organised by Vantaa City Library for its customers by location.

The statistics Tapahtumat shows the topics, languages, main organisers, facilities, numbers and numbers of participants of events and exhibitions organised by Vantaa City Library by location.


The statistics Asiakas- ja pelitietokoneiden käyttö shows the number of times that the customer computers and gaming computers at Vantaa City Library were used by location and year from 2007. Customer computers are intended for retrieving information from the library database and for the use of the Internet and various software. Gaming computers are intended for playing children’s CD-ROM games.

The statistics Tietotekniikan perusvalmiuksien ja verkkoasioinnin opastus shows the numbers of guidance events for basic ICT skills and using online services organised by Vantaa City Library and the numbers of participants in them from 2007. In 2007–2010, the numbers of groups and courses and the numbers of persons participating in them were stored. In 2011–2012, in addition to the above, the numbers of personal guidance sessions were stored. In 2013–2014, separate statistics were compiled on the number of groups, courses and personal guidance sessions in Finnish, Swedish, English, Russian and other languages and on the number of persons participating in them.

The statistics Kirjavinkkaus shows the numbers of book-tipping events organised by Vantaa City Library and the numbers of persons participating in them by location and year from 2007.

The statistics Nuorten nettipajat shows the number of online youth workshops organised by Vantaa City Library and the numbers of persons participating in them by location and year from 2010.

The statistics Satutunnit shows the numbers of Finnish-, Swedish- and foreign-language story hours organised by the Vantaa City Library and the numbers of persons participating in them by location and year from 2007.

The statistics Tiedonhaun ja kirjastonkäytön opastus shows the numbers of guidance events on data retrieval and library use organised by Vantaa City Library for adults, pre-school children, schoolchildren and students and the numbers of persons participating in them by location and year from 2007.

The statistics Muut yleisötapahtumat ja vierailut shows the number of public events and guided library visits organised by Vantaa City Library and the number of persons participating in them by location and year from 2007. The figures do not include book-tipping, story hours, youth workshops or groups, courses and guidance sessions on library use, basic ICT skills or online transactions, for which there are separate statistics.

The Mikkola Library was closed on 1st of June 2013, and the patient library at Katriina Hospital was closed on 10th of September 2014.

Data and Resources

Additional information

Administrator Vantaan kaupunki / Kulttuuri- ja kirjastopalvelut
Administrator's webpage
Published 26.02.2014
Updated 16.05.2024
Update frequency
Geographical coverage
Time series starts 2007
Time series accuracy
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
How to reference Source: Services of the city libraries of Vantaa. The maintainer of the dataset is Vantaan kaupunki / Kulttuuri- ja kirjastopalvelut. The dataset has been downloaded from Helsinki Region Infoshare service on 09.01.2025 under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
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