The weekday averages of passenger boardings at HSL’s stops and stations in November 2016.
The number of passenger boardings per stop is the average of the weekdays (Mon–Fri) in November. The number of passenger boardings at the bus stops is based on travel card validations, which are increased by correction factors to cover passengers travelling with a pram or a one-time ticket, for example. Due to various malfunctions of the LIJ system, missing validations are assessed using statistical methods.
The passenger boardings on the trunk bus lines, trams and trains are based on Dilax’s automatic counting equipment. 30% of the trunk buses, 25% of the trams and 100% of the trains in HSL’s purchased traffic are equipped with counting equipment. However, due to equipment malfunctions, the measurement percentages are lower than that. Missing measurements are estimated using statistical methods.
The number of passenger boardings on the metro can be obtained from automatic counters on the walkways leading to the platform (e.g. escalators).
Passenger counting in ferry traffic is regulated by the Maritime Act, which requires the number of passengers to be counted manually. For this reason, passenger boardings in ferry traffic are the most accurate of all modes of transport.
Attributes of the dataset and preview on the HSL website (in Finnish).
Since the reform of HSL’s ticket sales systems, it has not been possible to collect reliable data on passenger boardings after the number of travel card validations has decreased and ticket sales have largely moved to the application, so no newer versions are available.