The Journey Planner) APIs offer data regarding routing, geocoding, map data and vehicle locations through several APIs.

  • Routing API: Itinerary- and timetable-queries via either a GraphQL-API or a REST interface
  • Geocoding API: Pelias REST interface
  • Map API: HSL's background map as a TMS-service (Tile Map Service) and a number of public transport related points of interest (eg. ticket vending points, city bike stations & park and ride sites) as Mapbox vectortile services.
  • Realtime API: GTFS-RT & MQTT feeds

The use of the Digitransit production APIs requires registration and use of API keys. More information and instructions for obtaining the API key.

Further information:

The public transport network data is updated daily from HSL's public transport register to the journey planner APIs. The OpenStreetMap data is also updated daily to the journey planner for routing graph, geocoding and background map purposes. Due to different cache-settings, the changes in the background map become visible to the users in about one week's time.

Public transport network & timetables (GTFS)

Data from HSL's public transport register is derived into GTFS-format every day. This data collection includes all routes that have a valid timetable. The collection includes data three months onwards from the moment the collection was generated.

Traffic bulletins

Information about cancelled services is available the Journey Planner APIs mentioned above. For example, routing API's disruption-info & realtime API's service-alerts.

Data and Resources

Additional information

Administrator Helsingin seudun liikenne HSL
Administrator's webpage
Published 16.03.2011
Updated 28.03.2023
Update frequency
More information
Data collections
Geographical coverage
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
How to reference Source: HSL Journey Planner API. The maintainer of the dataset is Helsingin seudun liikenne HSL. The dataset has been downloaded from Helsinki Region Infoshare service on 18.03.2025 under the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.