A data driven-approach to analyse the co-evolution of urban systems through a resilience lens: a Helsinki case study

Resilience Lab, Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management, TU Delft - Published 4.3.2024 - updated 15.3.2024
  1. 2024-03-04-132648.275165imgHKdatadriven.PNG

A scientific article using historical built environment data of Helsinki was published in Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science journal. The study investigated the co-evolution of the road infrastructure, socio-economic system, and built-up area in Helsinki city from 1991 to 2016.

Historical road shapefiles were built by using guide maps (opaskartta) from 1991, 1999, and 2007, and orthophoto (ortoilmakuva) from 2016. The research found that infrastructural systems show greater inertia to change compared to socio-economic systems, requiring an alignment of planning and interventions across decades. The analytical results also revealed persistent socioeconomic differences between the east and west of Helsinki.

You can access the article freely here: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/23998083241235246

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