Helsinki’s LiDAR data is a series of laser point clouds that cover the entire area of the city. The LiDAR data is a three-dimensional, dot-like dataset depicting the ground and objects on the ground.
The LiDAR data can be utilised in, for example, the formation of terrain models, the generation of contour lines, city planning and studies monitoring changes in the natural environment.
The LiDAR data of Helsinki are published as LAZ files by tile in the ETRS-GK25 sheet index. The coordinate reference system of the dataset is ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879) and the vertical coordinate reference system N2000.
The data is published in two different versions: the “all points” version and the “terrain” version, which contains only the points representing the ground surface.
More information (in Finnish):
The dataset can be downloaded from the Helsinki Map Service. The dataset is available from the 2021, 2017 and 2015 scans.
Downloading the dataset from service:
- LiDAR data, terrain
- LiDAR, all points
- Both LiDAR map layers can be found on the website: > Layers > Laserscanned Data