Population projection in the Helsinki metropolitan area by district

The population of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area by age and area on 31st December and a population projection for the coming years. Until the projection for 2019–2034, the compilation date of the population was January 1st.

The population projections for Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa are compiled by the cities themselves. The forecast for Kauniainen is compiled by Statistics Finland.

The data includes areas with at least 100 residents. If less than 100 residents live in the area, the data is encrypted (cell value two dots ..). If there is only one such area in the statistical area, the population in that area is counted together with the neighbouring area. If the cell value is one dot, it means that the area concerned has not been included in the district division system in that reference year.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Maintainer Helsingin kaupunginkanslia / Kaupunkitieto
Maintainer Website https://www.hel.fi/kaupunkitieto
Source Helsingin kaupunginkanslia / Kaupunkitieto, Espoon kaupungin kehittämis- ja tutkimusyksikkö, Vantaan kaupungin tietopalveluyksikkö, Tilastokeskus
Published 24.08.2011
Updated 16.12.2024
Update Frequency
Geographical Coverage
Time series start 2000
Time series end 2038
Time Series Precision
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
How to reference Source: Population projection in the Helsinki metropolitan area by district. The maintainer of the dataset is Helsingin kaupunginkanslia / Kaupunkitieto and the original author is Helsingin kaupunginkanslia / Kaupunkitieto, Espoon kaupungin kehittämis- ja tutkimusyksikkö, Vantaan kaupungin tietopalveluyksikkö, Tilastokeskus. The dataset has been downloaded from Helsinki Region Infoshare service on 13.03.2025 using the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.