Welcome to Helsinki Loves Developers meetup regarding IoT platforms!

This event is open for everyone and free of charge. The event will be held in English but some presentations and discussions can also be held in Finnish if needed.

The event is held at Kalasatama Urban Lab in REDI shopping centre (Hermannin rantatie 5). Instructions (in Finnish) how to get to Redi and Kalasatama Urban Lab.

Please, register at Facebook or Meetup.

Helsinki Loves Developers: IoT platforms boosting the smart city development

Future cities should be – if not data-driven – at least data-enabled to fully seize the potential of automation, machine learning, simulation and prediction. Is the data we collect relevant enough for the city services and operations in the future? How could we make more out of the data the city and its citizens produce? Can new connectivity solutions bring ease to providing real-time data from vast amount of devices?

March edition of Helsinki Loves Developers provides answers to these questions as well as an overview to Helsinki’s development and foresight company Forum Virium Helsinki’s IoT program work. We, together with the city, our partners and pilot companies, are building an open modular data ecosystem where both the city and third-parties can create value for our society through data. Welcome to learn and contribute!

Ad for Helsinki Loves Developers. Picture of a man on balcony, watching the sunrise.
Welcome to Helsinki Loves Developers meetup regarding IoT platforms!

Program (tbc.)

  • 15-15.05 Welcome / Tanja Lahti, Project Manager, City of Helsinki
  • 15.05-15.20 IoT and data enabling the most functional city in the world / Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts, Director, IoT, Forum Virium Helsinki
  • 15.20-15.55 SELECT for Cities: Cities and companies co-creating Internet of everything platforms through pre-commercial procurement / Natalia Reen, Tech Lead of IoT projects, Forum Virium Helsinki
  • 15.55-16.15 Vekotinverstas hack lab for getting started with IoT experimentations / Aapo Rista and Aki Salminen, IoT experts, Forum Virium Helsinki
  • Break 10-15 min
  • 16.30-17 Use cases for real-time data:
    • Synchronicity brings 4 scalable IoT pilots to Helsinki / Juha Nummila, Project manager, Forum Virium Helsinki
    • BIoTope uses open data for improved EV charging experience / Veli Airikkala, Project Planner of IoT projects, Forum Virium Helsinki
    • City of Helsinki’s IoT activities
  • 17-17.15 UIA HOPE Become a data source for data-driven air quality interventions / Eero Jalo, Project manager, Forum Virium Helsinki
  • 17.15-17.30 Connecting: new networks available for demos. LoRA, 5G/NB-IoT / Eero Jalo, Project manager, Forum Virium Helsinki
  • 17.30-17.50 Project info stands and networking
  • Next steps