The 10 days Open Innovation Program starts – Reduce energy consumption of the buildings in Helsinki with open data

City of Helsinki is one of the challenge setters in the 10 days 100 Challenges Open Innovation Program from 4th to 15th of June at A Grid, Aalto University Otaniemi in Espoo. This unique 10-day program aims to develop methods for solving real-life problems with leading companies, professional experts, and inspiring coaches. The program is open for anyone interested in technology and innovation. Participants can be business professionals, students, software developers or designers.

Screen capture of Helsinki Energy and Climate Atlas.
The real energy consumption data of the city-owned buildings can be viewed in the Helsinki Energy and Climate atlas.

The City of Helsinki encourages the participants to create a tool or a concept of a tool to reduce the energy consumption of the buildings owned by the City of Helsinki proactively. Target group can be either tenants or the building owners (City of Helsinki) or both. Helsinki has an ambitious strategic aim to become carbon neutral by 2035. The city owns over 2000 housing and other buildings hence it is worth researching and analysing the energy consumption data in order to enhance energy efficiency proactively.

Helsinki has published energy consumption numbers on all of the city’s buildings as open data. In addition there are other kinds of datasets available as open data as well, such as basic information about the buildings and the 3D city model. Helsinki has compiled building energy data into the semantic model which can be viewed in the Helsinki Energy and Climate atlas.

You can find more information about the open data at Helsinki Region Infoshare service and with a list of some of the potential open data sets.

Helsinki and other partner organizations have described their challenges here: The participants can choose the challenge they want to work with and form a team of participants that have selected the same challenge at the beginning of the program.

The best team solving the City of Helsinki challenge will get an opportunity to present their innovative solution for the authorities of the City of Helsinki and in addition all participating students will gain 5-10 ECTS credits.

For more information about the program and registration: