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Cloud'N'Sci Oy - Published 12.12.2017 - updated 13.12.2017
  1. 2017-12-12-065952.578394helsinkiparkingviolationheatmapcloseup.jpg
  2. 2017-12-12-065952.578752helsinkiparkingviolationheatmapnotallowed.jpg
  3. 2017-12-12-065952.579051helsinkiparkingviolationheatmap-summervswinter.jpg

Receive a parking fine in Helsinki? You are not alone. Yearly, you've got over 100 000 partners in crime according to the City of Helsinki Urban Environment Division's "Parking Violations in Helsinki" dataset. This dataset contains i.e. parking violation timeframes, street addresses, and reasons, which helps to identify the causes for committed parking violations. This visualization utilizes this data in the form of heat maps, where the coloured areas directly indicate the areas where parking is problematic.

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