korja.us (Archived)

Applications, Examples from elsewhere
Kalle Tiihonen, Anton Rissanen, Miikka Koskinen, Tuure Laurinolli, Tapani Alasaarela - Published 29.11.2017 - updated 29.11.2017
  1. 2017-11-29-091357.617753kojauusscreenshot-310x323.png

korja.us is an app for citizens and the city to use for reporting small things in the city environment that need to be fixed. This app lowers the barrier for reporting problems to the city and speeds up the response time of the city officials.

With the app, the user is able to report a problem e.g. a fallen street sign. The location can be attached as an address or as a point on the map. The app also supports photos and it is possible to browse earlier reports of other users.

Update 1/2014: korja.us app is no longer available.

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