
Alessandro Aime - Published 3.5.2019 - updated 28.6.2022
  1. 2019-05-06-080228.897323keltapyora2.jpg
  2. 2019-05-06-080228.981588keltapyora3.jpg
  3. 2019-05-06-080229.067385keltapyora4.jpg

"Biking in Helsinki is the best way to move around, especially when sunny, and public bikes are ideal for that. Sometimes you're looking for the closest bike station, sometimes you want a timer to check how much of the 30-mins ride time is left, some times you're looking for a free space, and some other times you need all of this at once.

Keltapyörä helps you accomplish all the things mentioned above, and more. Notifications, Apple Watch support and other useful features coming soon. This app is available in English, Finnish and Swedish.

While riding the numbers displayed are the available spaces, so you don't have to look around to find a station where to leave the bike. Green for 5 or more bikes (or spaces), red for less than 5 and grey if none.

The number of available bikes and spaces is not in real-time, but updated every few minutes. The app uses open data provided by HSL. For more information visit the HSL website."

The app is no longer available.

Used datasets