Population projection in the Helsinki metropolitan area by district - 2011-2021


Population by age in Helsinki metropolitan area by district on 1 Jan. 2000-2011 and population projection 2012-2021.

The population projections for Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa have been compiled by the cities themselves 2011. The population projection for Kauniainen is compiled by Statistics Finland.

The data includes areas with at least 100 residents. If less than 100 residents live in the area, the data is encrypted. If there is only one such area in the statistical area, the population in that area is counted together with the neighbouring area.

Encrypted areas and their neighbouring areas:

Encrypted area - Population added to

  • 091 202 Lapinlahti -> 091 201 Ruoholahti
  • 091 335 Kuninkaantammi -> 091 334 Hakuninmaa
  • 091 286 Maunulanpuisto 091 -> 282 Maunula
  • 091 354 Haltiala -> 091 352 Torpparinmäki
  • 091 384 Tattariharju -> 091 385 Malmin lentokenttä
  • 091 190 Mustikkamaa-Korkeasaari -> 091 420 Kulosaari
  • 091 456 Roihupellon teollisuusalue -> 091 457 Itäkeskus
  • 049 316 Miessaari -> 049 315 Nuottaniemi
  • 049 332 Suurpelto -> 049 331 Henttaa
  • 049 452 Ulkosaaret -> 049 451 Suvisaari
  • 049 645 Ämmässuo -> 049 644 Nuuksionpää
  • 049 725 Velskola -> 049 724 Lakisto

Additional Information

Field Value
Format CSV
Size 1.6 MB
Published 24.08.2011
Time series start 2000
Time series end 2021
Time Series Precision