Suitable areas for solar panels in Helsinki metropolitan area

Suitable areas for solar panels in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The data indicates potential locations for solar panels.

The data presents suitable areas for solar panels. A roof section is suitable for solar panels if it receives radiation in excess of 847 kWh/m2/year, has a uniform surface area with sufficient radiation of at least 5 m2, and is located at a distance of more than 0.5 metres from the edge of the roof.

The downloadable data has two layers: suitable areas for solar panels as a raster file (useful_areas_tif) and shape file (useful_area_size.shp) which includes the surface area suitable for solar panels of the roof in question in square meters as attribute areaSUM.

The modelling of solar radiant energy is based on point cloud data from 2008–2013, depending on the area.

The data was completed in the Decumanus project and was produced by Eurosense, a Belgian geographic information services company participating in the project.

The material can be viewed and downloaded in HSY’s open map service

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Maintainer Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut HSY
Maintainer Website
Published 28.10.2015
Updated 08.07.2016
Links to additional information concerning the dataset
Geographical Coverage
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
How to reference Source: Suitable areas for solar panels in Helsinki metropolitan area . The maintainer of the dataset is Helsingin seudun ympäristöpalvelut HSY. The dataset has been downloaded from Helsinki Region Infoshare service on 24.03.2025 using the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.