Datasets About Change history Submit Last created Popular Relevance Names in ascending order Names in descending order Last modified Go 7 datasets found Rajapinta pääkaupunkiseudun kansalais- ja työväenopistojen kurssitietoihin is a joint service of the adult education centres in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (Helsinki Adult Education Centre, Helsingfors Arbis, Espoo Adult Education Centre,... JSON XML School and preschool admission areas of the City of Helsinki The dataset includes the boundary lines of the admission areas of comprehensive schools and pre-primary education maintained by the City of Helsinki, as well as the names and... WMS WFS Number of students in basic and upper secondary education in Helsinki by school The dataset includes the numbers of pupils and students in comprehensive schools, upper secondary schools and vocational institutions maintained by the City of Helsinki by... XLSX XLS Language choices in basic education schools of the City of Helsinki The dataset includes the language choices of pupils in comprehensive schools maintained by the City of Helsinki (A1, A2, B1 and B2 languages) by school on 20 September according... XLS XLSX Application results for upper secondary schools in Helsinki Excel file: Results of the joint application of Finnish- and Swedish-language upper secondary schools in Helsinki in 2012-2023. The dataset includes the number of applicants and... XLSX XLS Admission criteria for upper secondary schools in Helsinki Excel file: Admission criteria for upper secondary schools in Helsinki in 2000-2023. From 2014 onwards, the data is also available from the Vipunen service maintained by the... XLSX XLS Statistics on day care in Helsinki Form of care for children under school age in Helsinki by age and district of residence on 31 December 2011–31 December 2015 and population aged 0–6 at the turn of 2011/2012,... XLSX