Datasets Activity Stream About Submit Last Created Popular Relevance Name Ascending Name Descending Last Modified Go 7 datasets found The prioritised winter maintenance network for pedestrians and cyclists in the City of Helsinki The prioritised winter maintenance network for pedestrians and cyclists in Helsinki includes routes where sweeping and salting and intensified maintenance are used in winter... WMS WFS CSV Number of cyclists in Helsinki Number of cyclists in Helsinki per hour from the beginning of 2014. The number of cyclists is calculated automatically at 16 different measuring points. The location coordinates... XLSX CSV Helsinki street cleaning plans This dataset provides Helsinki's street cleaning plans. API can be queried for CSV files, see instructions below. Basic query which returns street cleaning plans for the next... CSV Food establishments in Helsinki under food control supervision by the Food Safety Department NOTE: This dataset is no longer maintained after January 2019. The maintenance of the corresponding information will take place from 21 January 2019 in the Finnish Food... CSV Parking violations in Helsinki Parking offences recorded in Helsinki by parking enforcement and police since January 2014. The data includes the time at which the violation was committed to the nearest month... WFS CSV SHP Traffic data from Helsinki Traffic data from Helsinki contains data about motor traffic: traffic volume, speed, amounts of different types of vehicles). The data consists of three different datasets in... JSON CSV WMS WFS Traffic Accidents in Helsinki The locations, severity levels and types of accidents that have occurred in Helsinki since 2000. The City of Helsinki Urban Environment Division/Traffic and Street Planning... CSV