Datasets Activity Stream Submit Last Created Popular Relevance Name Ascending Name Descending Last Modified Go 12 datasets found Training data for City of Helsinki chatbots City of Helsinki chatbot training data. Data currently includes maternity and child care services’ chatbot NeRo, International House Helsinki chatbot Into, rental apartment... XLSX Kuuden suurimman kaupungin päihde- ja mielenterveyspalvelujen vertailu The number of clients, services and costs of substance abuse and mental health services for the adult population in the six largest cities in Finland in 2016-2021. The dataset... XLSX Statistical Yearbook of Helsinki The Statistical Yearbook provides a varied, statistics-based description of Helsinki and its residents. Many of the tables also present comparative data from the rest of the... XLS XLSX Comparison of child welfare between the six largest cities Comparison of child welfare between the six largest cities of Finland in 2008-2021. The data is arranged in sheets by year (data for all cities for each year) by city (data... XLSX Comparison of adult social work and income support between the six largest cities Data on income support for the six largest cities in 2005-2021. For income support, both clients (households and individuals) and costs are examined. Income support has been... XLSX Performance indicators of social services in Helsinki The dataset includes the City of Helsinki Social Services’ performance data from 2012-2020. The data is presented on customers, services (visit, contact, day of stay, day of... XLSX XLS Comparison of elderly care between the six largest cities The number of clients, services and costs of social welfare services and specialised medical care for elderly people in the six largest cities in Finland in 2004-2021. In the... XLSX Comparison of care for the mentally disabled in the six largest cities The number of clients, services and costs of social services for persons with intellectual disabilities in the six largest cities in Finland in 2004–2016. The dataset has been... XLSX Comparison of social welfare for the disabled in the six largest cities The number of clients, services and costs of disability services in the six largest cities in Finland in 2004-2021. From 2017 onwards, the dataset has been combined with a... XLSX Helsinki by district Statistical tables of the Helsinki by District annual publications. Helsinki by District is a statistical handbook that describes not only the history and current appearance of... XLSX XLS Statistics on day care in Helsinki Form of care for children under school age in Helsinki by age and district of residence on 31 December 2011–31 December 2015 and population aged 0–6 at the turn of 2011/2012,... XLSX Helsinki morbidity index The morbidity index is calculated by means of three register variables describing the morbidity of the population. These are the share of people on disability pension among the... XLSX