In the data, Helsinki is divided into five different area types, which are guided by Helsinki Design Manual. The area type is a general description of the use of the area. Additional information is available on the Helsinki Design Manual website:

The data is available for download in several formats, including JSON, KML, CSV, Esri Shape, and XML. Available formats can always be found under OutputFormat in the GetCapabilities query for the service.

Previewing the data in the service:

Coordinate systems:

  • Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879), can be projected to other coordinate systems. See GetCapabilities query for other possible coordinate systems.

API addresses:


  • Kaupunkitilaohjealueet

Attributes of the Kaupunkitilaohjealue layer:

  • tunniste(int): Unique identifier of the feature
  • luokka (string): Area classification (five main classes)
  • datanomistaja (string): Data owner
  • paivitetty_tietopalveluun (date): Information service record date (yyyy-mm-dd)
  • geom (GeometryPropertyType): Geometry of the feature

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Maintainer Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala / Kaupunkimittauspalvelut
Maintainer Website
Source Helsingin kaupunki, Kaupunkiympäristön toimiala, Maankäyttö ja kaupunkirakenne, Kaupunkitila ja maisemasuunnittelu
Published 28.02.2019
Update Frequency
Links to additional information concerning the dataset
Geographical Coverage
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
How to reference Source: Design Manual of Helsinki. The maintainer of the dataset is Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala / Kaupunkimittauspalvelut and the original author is Helsingin kaupunki, Kaupunkiympäristön toimiala, Maankäyttö ja kaupunkirakenne, Kaupunkitila ja maisemasuunnittelu. The dataset has been downloaded from Helsinki Region Infoshare service on 26.12.2024 using the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
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