Unseparated parcels in the City of Helsinki

The dataset includes the unseparated parcels in the administrative area of the City of Helsinki and a limited set of attributes extracted from the municipal register.

Parcel refers to an area of a property with defined boundaries. It can be separated into its own property by parcelling. Usually, a parcel is created when the owner of the property to be parcelled hands over an area from the owner’s property to a third party. The legal rules applicable to the exchange of parcels are the same as those applicable to property trade.

*Parcels are divided into three types according to the position accuracy: certain, uncertain and estimated position.

The data is available for download in several formats, including JSON, KML, CSV, Esri Shape, and XML. Available formats can always be found under OutputFormat in the GetCapabilities query for the service.

Previewing the data in the kartta.hel.fi service:

Coordinate systems:

  • Maintained in ETRS-GK25 (EPSG:3879), can be projected to other coordinate systems. See GetCapabilities query for other possible coordinate systems.

Vertical coordinate reference system:

  • N2000

API addresses:


  • Maaraala_alue (only WMS)
  • Maaraala_alue_varma_sijainti
  • Maaraala_alue_epavarma_sijainti
  • Maaraala_alue_arvioitu_sijainti
  • Maaraala_tunnus_varma_sijainti
  • Maaraala_tunnus_epavarma_sijainti
  • Maaraala_tunnus_arvioitu_sijainti

Unseparated parcels: attributes, data types and their key and reliability data in information services:

  • id (int). Unique identifier of the feature. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
  • maaraalatunnus (string). Identification of the parcel. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
  • maaraala (string). General identifier of the parcel. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
  • tyyppi (string). Type of the parcel. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
  • palstat (string). Single- or multi-column parcel. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
  • kunta (string). Municipality. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
  • sijaintialue (string). Location area. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
  • ryhma (string). Group. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
  • yksikko (string). Unit. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
  • tunnus (string). Identifier. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
  • tunnus_kirjainosa (string). Alphabetical part of the identifier. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
  • rekisterointipvm (date). Registration date of the parcel (yyyy-mm-dd). Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
  • luontipvm (date). Feature creation date (yyyy-mm-dd). Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
  • muokkauspvm (date). Previous editing date of the feature (yyyy-mm-dd). Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
  • datanomistaja (string). Data owner. Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
  • paivitetty_tietopalveluun (date). Information service record date (yyyy-mm-dd). Reliable, comprehensively existing information.
  • geom (GeometryPropertyType). Geometry of the feature.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Maintainer Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala / Kaupunkimittauspalvelut
Maintainer Website https://kartta.hel.fi/avoindata
Published 24.10.2017
Links to additional information concerning the dataset
  1. https://kartta.hel.fi/paikkatietohakemisto/pth/?id=239
  2. https://kartta.hel.fi/avoindata/dokumentit/Prosessi_Tyoohje_kyselypalveluiden_kaytto_ulkoverkko.pdf
Geographical Coverage
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
How to reference Source: Unseparated parcels in the City of Helsinki. The maintainer of the dataset is Helsingin kaupunkiympäristön toimiala / Kaupunkimittauspalvelut. The dataset has been downloaded from Helsinki Region Infoshare service on 28.10.2024 using the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
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